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The College Board Monopoly: The Pressure to Excel

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

In the world of standardized testing, one organization undeniably holds the most power: The College Board. As the administrator of both the SAT and Advanced Placement exams, the organization plays a crucial role in the academic journey of students worldwide. Hence, the aim of this article is not only to serve as an introduction to these exams, but also to highlight the contrasting difference between taking them in the US and internationally.

Firstly, the Scholastic Assessment Test, more frequently known as the SAT, is a college admission exam used to evaluate a student’s competences in reading and writing, and mathematics. The exam is split into the two aforementioned modules, one being able to accumulate a total of 1600 points, 800 from each section. It is taken by a huge number of students annually, worldwide.

The Advanced Placement exams, on the other hand, are tests based on college-level classes offered in schools for US Students, respectively on online AP Courses for international exam candidates. AP Courses are offered for a varying range of subjects, from arts, social sciences and world languages and cultures all the way to mathematics, computer science and sciences.

In U.S. schools, AP courses are incorporated into the curriculum, pupils benefiting from daily in-class support and valuable feedback. Thus, their advantage is irrefutable, the setup being designed to give them the best chance of success.  

By contrast, international students have to cope with double their usual workload, having to study for both APs and SAT independently while also focusing on their regular schoolwork, and higher costs of these exams than the US students. Although the college board provides numerous materials, including video-taught courses for each subject and tests, the lack of feedback is profoundly felt. Students feel little to no pressure to study the material faster and cannot possibly fall behind as an American student may do in their classes due to the self-paced learning process. This may lead students to neglect and miscalculate their workload, so it is highly advisable that exam takers manage their time accordingly.

Regardless of these drawbacks, Romanian students should not be discouraged to take these exams. Not only are AP and SAT scores accepted by all major EU and USA universities but also do they offer students a glimpse into what university life is like. Since they are based on college-level classes, scores on the exams may be useful (US only) for earning college credits (a school’s way of quantifying the number of hours you’ve contributed to your course of study), whereas international students may use them for demonstrating that they have acquired in-depth knowledge of certain topics, which may aid in “promoting” oneself as a determined student for other universities worldwide. Numerous students from our prestigious college proved their determination for higher academic standards. Surfing on the web allows future exam takers to feel a sense of community seeing countless pupils all over Dean’s List, an award given to top percentile of students.

As a previous both APs and SAT taker, I do stand by the validity of this information as I provide it from my own experience. Having taken three AP courses and the SAT in the last school year, I can definitely say that the workload and preparations were exhausting when added on top of the work I had to do in school. However, it is not impossible. Proving your determination to excel will definitely ensure the outcome you desire.

One last point, the fact that these exams are are administered in Arad has proven a fantastic opportunity, as students from all over the country flock here to take them. Not to mention international students in whose countries they are not administered.

Good luck to everyone!

Oprean Alex XII A


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