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Sara Mihalcia: The Beginning of the End

I have just started my 12th year of school. This means that by the end of this year, I will have finished a part of my life that I have loved, hated, laughed, and cried in; got annoyed, even cried at sometimes. These are the school years, what some would call the beginning of the end, after 4 years of kindergarten, 4 of primary school, 4 of secondary school, and 4 of high school, I have spent 16 of my almost 18 years here. However, I prefer to see this ending as just another beginning, as next year I am going into university and I wiki start  building a career path.


In the past 12 years of school, I have had consistent academic success that I have been really proud of. I always tried not putting too much pressure on myself because I found that to be an unhealthy way of living everyday life; however, I always did my best to have accomplishments. And I'd like to say that my best has been pretty great actually. What my parents have always said about me is that I always surprise them in the end. For example, in fourth grade, after numerous attempts to study English, it seemed like I was not going to pass the secondary school exam. However, I worked so hard that by the end of the year, not only did I pass, but I was second in my class. Something similar also happened in the 8th grade, after a year of showing no interest in school; I managed to get one of the highest results in the city and became a high school student at the best college in Arad and in what some might say, the best class at it. Now, I am ready by the end of the year to have the same results at the Baccalaureate exam and my university admission exam. I plan to study psychology at the University of Babes-Bolyai because I find it to be the best option for me as it interlocks both my love for science as well as my passion for the arts.


I have always loved trying new things, and I have had a lot of extracurricular involvement. Throughout my school years, l've tried sports such as gymnastics, aikido, and basketball, dances of all kinds, plastic art such as canvas and glass painting, sand drawing, decorative crafting, music, such as, choir, piano, guitar as well as being part of Arad’s student council and many more. I am grateful for these experiences that helped me become who I am today, picking up a little skill from each. However, what I am most proud of is the one hobby that I have thoroughly stuck to, theatre. After going to weekly classes that formed my foundation, for the past four years, I have been a member of Teatrix, a high school theatre group with which I have won so many awards I stopped counting, made lifelong friendships, traveled all over the country, learned to take care of myself, and overall became a much better person. I sometimes like to wonder who I would have been today if it wasn't for Teatrix, and to be honest, I do not have a clear image as it has been one of my most important experiences for my formative years and will forever be a significant part of my life.


Obviously, the school years play such a big role in someone's life, so far I have spent around half of my life there, most of my friends I have ever made, I met in school, most of the knowledge I have has come from school and a lot of my personality has been formed here. It is a bittersweet moment to leave school behind,  although there were moments when it couldn't be over fast enough, I know I am going to miss it, but I am also really excited for what my life has to offer me beyond these 4 walls that have kept me sheltered from the rest of the world, until 2 pm when I would go home to my family where I was even more taken care of. It is time that I move on to the next big part of my life, when I move to a different city, gain independence and learn to properly take care of myself.



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